Alex Done Stability

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  • Stability: Right vs Left

With Alex Done, Pilates Teacher & Physiotherapist.
[note that this class was previously shared in our VIP Membership group]

In this session we will explore stability on our right and left side. Disclaimer… The exercises performed will make you wobble !!

First we will analyse how well we can stand on one leg. But not only will we be standing on one leg, we will be filtering in challenging movements specifically targeting our posterior chain. Balancing whilst completing higher level exercises will expect more of our core, pelvic, knee and ankle stabilisers… each of you may feel a burn in a different place but each is a sign of hard work and fatigue !

We will then move on to a favourite of mine… the shoulder girdle. Such a mobile joint requires even more emphasis on the importance of our dynamic stabilisers such as the serratus anterior and the rotator cuff. Again, we will challenge these muscle groups by adding in more complex and demanding movements… you stay at the level which is most effective and rewarding for your current ability. This means if you are eager to progress but haven’t the level of stability required you will consequently target the wrong muscle groups.

Throughout the session you may notice we target all these areas at once… no pressure! Improving our accessibility to our stability muscles is essential in order to fine-tune how easy we do more complex movements. This might be hitting a personal best in the gym or simply just keeping our balance in day to day life.